Client :


Start Date :

1st February 2023

The Challenge

In many communities, the accumulation of plastic waste poses a significant environmental challenge, while access to essential goods remains limited for some residents. Finding innovative solutions to address both issues simultaneously presents a unique challenge. The challenge was to develop a sustainable model that incentivizes plastic waste collection while providing essential goods to community members in need.

The Solution

Enter the Plastic Exchange Store by Bidyanondo, a pioneering initiative that transforms plastic waste into a valuable currency for accessing essential goods. Here’s how it works:

  • Incentivizing Plastic Collection: Bidyanondo encourages residents to collect and store plastic waste by offering a tangible incentive: the opportunity to exchange plastic for essential goods at the Plastic Exchange Store. This incentivization mechanism taps into the intrinsic motivation of individuals to contribute to environmental sustainability while meeting their basic needs.

  • Providing Essential Goods: The Plastic Exchange Store offers a range of essential goods such as rice, lentils, candies, notebooks, and flour, which are typically in high demand among community members. By providing access to these goods in exchange for plastic waste, Bidyanondo addresses the immediate needs of residents while promoting sustainable consumption practices.

  • Generating Revenue for Sustainability: Rather than simply distributing goods for free, Bidyanondo sells the collected plastic to plastic recycling factories. The funds generated from the sale of plastic are reinvested into purchasing additional goods for the Plastic Exchange Store, ensuring the sustainability and scalability of the initiative.

  • Catalyzing Behavioral Change: The Plastic Exchange Store has catalyzed a behavioral shift within the community, whereby individuals proactively collect and store plastic waste for its newfound value as an alternate currency. This shift not only contributes to cleaner neighborhoods but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards environmental stewardship.

  • By leveraging the innovative concept of a Plastic Exchange Store, Bidyanondo has not only addressed the dual challenges of plastic waste management and access to essential goods but has also sparked a positive behavioral change within the community towards sustainable practices.

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